MBISS GCH Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework
When Suzie's litter was born, there was this gorgeous male puppy. The Kilgus' were there to help and Karan wanted to put him in her pocket and take him home. He was the laziest puppy I have ever had. His nickname was Turtle. His back was so broad, I would often find him on his back in the puppy playpen. He was too lazy to put any effort at all into getting up. I finally had to stop helping him and just call him. Finally he figured out how to push his head back to roll over.

Boom was chosen Best of Breed at the Nationals Back up show of the Bulldog Club of Denver by Breeder Judge Claudia Brown
Breeder/Judge Dr. John Little awarding Boom Best of Winners for a 5 point major
Even then, he remained the laziest dog in the world. When I would let puppies out in the morning, one, two three four five, six, ... six ... Where is number seven?? Boom?? Boom, get out here!! He would stroll across the floor. All the time in the world. He would stop and stretch before the sliding door. The other puppies were beginning to try and come back inside, they were all done. GET OUT!!! He would go out and make his way to the grass. Apparently having the biggest bladder in the world, too?
I've never kept a boy before. I was speaking with Dara and asked her if she wanted to take him and show him. I told her he was the nicest puppy I have ever had. Dara told me, then keep him and sell the pick bitch. Hmmm. So, he went to Camp Rod Vance for training. After losing his beach ball shape, (he was a fat puppy and his puppies seem to be fat) he quickly finished his Championship and then Grand Championship. He has won a Best in Specialty Show and several Select Dogs. He is a lovely dog to own and love. He is extremely mellow and fun. He loves my kids and is most content being a speed bump, as his favorite place to lay is right in front of the refrigerator.

Judge Donna Buxton awards Boom Select Dog completing his Grand Championship
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